I am unable to view my patient's results.
1. Ensure your patient has enabled sharing on their Breathe Easy App. Verify that the patient has consented to share with the correct organization.
2. If the patient's mobile device is outside of the Wifi range, the Breathe Easy App will automatically sync results when it is within range again.
3. If results are still not visible, the patient can manually sync data from their app. Select 'Sync Data' from the Breathing Tests screen and leave the app open until the sync is complete.

4. Check the Provider Dashboard to see if results now appear.
What is the billing report feature?
When it is added, it will show information for each patient uses per month.
What is the cost of the Provider Dashboard?
The cost is $15/patient/month IF the patient uses the spirometer in that month. A use is defined as a PFT not the exercises/games.