The Provider Dashboard offers the ability to virtually meet with your patients in real time. Our live coaching feature allows providers to guide and monitor patient Pulmonary Function Tests.
Follow the steps below to perform a successful real-time coaching session:
1. Enter your email and password to log in to the Provider Dashboard at
2. Select the patient from your list that you'll be conducting the real-time session with. You may enter the patient name or spirometer ID in the search bar to help you locate the patient.
3. Make sure that your computer's camera and microphone are enabled.
4. Verify that your patient's device is paired with Breathe Easy, that they have a solid internet connection and that their app is open.
5. When you're ready click the green 'Start Remote Session' button.
6. If your computer requests access to camera and/or microphone, please allow.
7. Once provider/patient video and audio connection has been established, add a series by selecting 'Begin Series'.
8. When you're ready for your patient to begin an effort, select 'Start effort'. Once pressed, the app will instruct the patient when to exhale and inhale. Allow the app to guide the patient through the maneuver.
9. Each effort will be displayed. Review effort data, including Best Measurements and Acceptability criteria. You may add Series Notes (will transfer to PDF report), adjust Patient Position or Reject efforts from this view.
10. If the Provider wishes to add an additional series (post series for example), first hit 'End Series'. Then select 'Begin Series' again to add a second series and repeat the process of adding efforts and reviewing data. Efforts from additional series will be displayed separately and compared against the efforts within that series to create the Best Measurements.
11. To end the real-time session, first select 'End Series' then tap the red 'End' button.
12. Once returned to the patient profile, select the coached session to review and access the PDF report if needed. Providers may add series notes, override acceptability and accept/ reject efforts when evaluating the session.
Please refer to our YouTube video on conducting a real-time coaching session posted below!
Please contact or call 888-452-6269 if you have any questions! Thank you!